Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year and A New Decade.

A new Millennium meant new things, for some 2000 meant the end of the world. Well, here we are a decade later. The worlds still spinning, slowly but surely, and about to close another chapter. Can we all think back to 2000? I know for my friends and I, it was a carefree time in our lives, most of us 9-10 in 3rd grade when life consisted of nothing more than Britney Spears,*N Sync, Doug, Rocket Power, and Rugrats. It was a time in our life when we could go out to recess, and by the time that short 15 minutes (that felt like an hour) was over we'd have a million new people we called our "Best Friends". We had fun just playing pretend, and our lives didn't revolve around materialistic things. Although I can be the first to say, I too have fallen into the electronic trap this world has on us now, phones always upgrading, people always needing the new and improved gadgets to do pretty much all their thinking for them. Sometimes I wish I could go back in time to when that 15 minutes still felt like an hour, and time didn't rush by so quickly. Where you didn't have to constantly wonder if your "Best Friend" was someone you could really call a "Best Friend, trust wasn't even something that crossed our minds. This decade is definitely one that will always stick out in my mind as I grow older, it has definitely been the most life changing ones thus far. Going into 2000 I never would have pictured these past years going the way they did, I've met some of the most incredible people, some that I plan on keeping in my life until the end of it, and at the same time lost some of the most important people that i never imagined life without. Best friends became enemies, and people I used to talk badly about soon became such important aspects of my life. Things are always changing. This past year alone has been so crazy, and even with its ups and downs and bumps along the way I couldn't picture it any differently. Anyways, I'm ready for this new year, a new beginning, and as always a change. I plan on getting myself back on track this year, break time's over it's time to start working towards the dreams I've built up all my life. I know everyone has been pushing me to figure out what it is that I need to be doing, but I have to do things on my own, and now I know I'm ready to go for what I want. On the sense of going for what I want, I also want to finally let go of some things that no matter how bad I've wanted them they just aren't a part of my life anymore so it's time to move forward and let go. Now, to the people who have made this past year and others before as good as they've been.

First off, my amazing Parents, without you I wouldn't be the person I am today, through out the years you have taught me so many important things that I'll take with me the rest of my life. You two truly are the definition of heroes, and I know we are going to make it through the struggles we have coming our way, especially you mom, I expect you to out run me here in the near future, and I know you will.

Next my best friends.....

Amanda Knoetzel- I'm glad we became friends our freshman year, we have had some good ups and downs these past 4 1/2 years. I can't wait to share the amazing memories we've had with your daughter when she's born, if she's anything like you she's going to be one incredible little girl =). I'm proud of you and how you're doing this mainly on your own, you're one strong girl and I'm proud to call you my best friend. I love you =)

Kyla Henry- We've always been good friends, but this last year definitely brought us closer together. I never thought we'd grow as close as we've become. You've become not only my best friend but family as well. We definitely have some great memories to take with us for the rest of our life, and I cant wait to see how close we grow over the years to come, I love you "bestieee" hehehe =)

Nishi Shankar- I don't even know where to start with you, I never thought that after that football game we would become so inseparable. I'm so incredibly lucky to have you in my life, you honestly are the little sister i never had and the complete definition of a best friend, you have every quality someone looks for in a friend, thank you for just being you, i love you my little seeester =)

Rachel Elisara- Oh rachel, where to begin.. yeah whatever. ha ha, oh man we have some craaaazy memories! We always have such a good time when we get together, like when you got stung by bees =) You are definitely one person I could call up if I was upset and I know in no time I would be smiling, thank you for being a good friend =) Love ya girl!

Next A little note to my Grandparents- My goal this year is to let go a little more, not to forget but to move forward (advice from a best friend). Since the both of you left I've been so stuck on the past and trying to relive it in my mind, but the truth of that is that I can't so I have to let go and just take the memories I have and be happy to have had the two of you in my life as long as I did, my heroes for sure, I will continue to miss and love the both of you every day of my life

And finally to you, you'll go nameless because that's all you deserve. After this new year gets here all contact between you and I will end, and I will go on with my life as if you never were a part of it. For 3+ years you have had me stuck in a little trap, and now I plan on breaking out of that cage and moving on. I do thank you for some of the good memories we had together though, you were my first for a lot. But that is where it will remain in the past, as memories. So to you, Goodbye.

I'm ready for 2010 =)