Sunday, January 3, 2010

Love and Marriage

For as long as I can remember marriage is supposed to be a ceremony that takes place when two people are very much in love. Love being the key word in that sentence, answer me this question? Why is it now a days two people who have no business getting married can run and elope quicker than the words "I do" spill from their mouths, and this is just the half of it, the thing that's really under my skin is that it's for nothing more than MONEY. While these people can run to a courthouse to further their income, people are out there fighting for and getting DENIED the right of being married when they are the ones truly in love. My circle of friends have sparked this topic for me, because I look around and see two people about to take advantage of the most beautiful ritual this country gives us, and then I see another one of my friends, that at this point in time would be completely denied the RIGHT to be given the title as a "Married Couple". This country is so stuck on shutting out things that they find so "terrible" and so "wrong" that they'll deny a couple that's completely in love the right to get married because they are the same sex, BUT they'll grant a couple the "right" to be involved in a marriage that is just a LIE because they are a man and a woman and that's "normal" in the eyes of society. I want to know who invented the word "normal", so I can give them a little peice of my mind.

NORMAL: Conforming with, adhering to, or constituting a norm, standard, pattern, level, or type; typical.
What this definition is basically telling the world is that if you aren't standard and just like everyone else that you're not normal, and if that's the case I wouldn't want to be considered normal anyway. The diversity we have in this world is what makes it such a beautiful place.

Maybe I just feel this way because I was raised to except all different beliefs, feelings, religions etc.. and although I might not fall into the category of people who will be refused the right to be wed to the person they love, knowing one of my friends is considering basically taking advantage of being married when another one of my friends will be denied that same right if she actually falls in LOVE is just really bothering me.

My hope for you is to WAKE UP and THINK about what it is you're doing before you do something I'm almost positive you will regret later.