Thursday, March 25, 2010

It just isn't right I've been two thousand miles down a dead-end road, let me let go.

Letting go is never simple. After being so secure with a certain person for so long is hard to let that tight grip you have on the last piece of string holding you together. It's like your relationship is hanging there by one single strand that you just can't let go of. You tell yourself day after day that you'd be better off without them out of your life, and everyone around you tells you the same. The thing is you can't take what every one's telling you and put it into an action sometimes. Right as you begin to let go their face flashes into your mind again, of them slowly pulling you close to them, holding you tight telling you that they love you (loved you) and kissing you. Then as your about to let go you grip onto those memories even harder than before and let them control your life. But not intentionally of course, sure you'd love to be able to forget and move on with life, sadly it's not that easy. You look through their business to see what their up to, only to find that they are doing exactly what YOU should be doing - moving on. BAM your mind flashes to the night you stayed out all night talking in your car with the rain beating down, looking into each others eyes talking about forever, then you come back to reality to only realize forever wasn't forever that it was just a short phase in your teen years that's slowly faded into a memory. Then you let go of the last string, and you're free.

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